We’ve gathered articles and videos from around the world on innovative businesses tackling agriculture and food challenges, hoping that these will inspire you to innovate solutions for the challenges we face in the region:

Innovations is Supply Chains & Traceability

The Guardian – Ethiopian coffee farmers full of beans as barcodes promise better business

“Ethiopia has underscored its zeal to modernize production of its top commodity with a scheme that tells buyers exactly where its beans are from.” – Describes a “traceability” program that helps open global markets and promote coffee bean farmers directly by allowing consumers to know exactly where their coffee beans came from. Read more…

Water, farming and animal production practices

FarmBot.io – Introducing FarmBot Genesis

FarmBot Genesis is humanity’s first open-source CNC farming machine designed for at-home automated food production. Pre-order your FarmBot at 25% off during July only to save $1,000. Learn more at https://farmbot.io

Food Security & Food Losses

BBC – Food Blogger Offers Cure Fore Lebanon’s Apple Crisis

Lebanese apple farmers have been in crisis. Before the war in Syria, the country was a major export market for Lebanese fruit, as well as serving as a transport route to other markets in the region. Read more…

AgFunderNews –  The Next Generation of Drone Technologies for Agriculture

The well-documented potential for drones to revolutionize agriculture reached fever pitch in 2015. Read more..

Information and Market-Access

FoodTechConnect – Is Food Unwinnable for Startups?

Startups in the food industry, and the food tech sector in particular, have seen quite a bit of turmoil over the past year. Read more…